Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth After Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth

This Lovely lady came in to us concerned about her poorly fitting dentures and the poor appearance of her teeth, this was a very challenging case as her gums were not healthy and the teeth were incredibly worn, the lady was very nervous about having dental treatment done but was determined to improve her teeth as she was very conscious about them.

We had a really good chat with her about the options available to her and she decided that while she knew that implants were the best option that she would prefer to try new dentures first. Through a combination of gum disease treatment,new crowns on her top teeth, white fillings, whitening and precision metal dentures we were able to dramatically improve the appearance and function of her teeth, she was delighted and said that it was one of the best things she ever did.

Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth After Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth
Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth After Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth
Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth After Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth
Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth After Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth After Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth
Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth Before Repairing Advanced Acid Erosion and Missing Tooth